In the World, Not of the World [Romans 12.2]

As I write this daily, our country awaits results of the 2020 presidential election. I simply keep thinking, “Thank you GOD I follow Jesus. Not partial to any party, just partial to You.” It really boils down to that doesn’t it. As Christians, we follow Jesus. As Christians we’re not of this world, we’re in it. As Christians, Earth is not our home, Heaven is.

So, as Christians, in Romans 12.2, Paul is commending us to be ever mindful of what GOD says is right, what GOD says is pure, what GOD says is true. We are being encouraged to know GOD’s word so we can know these things. This is how we renew our mind, by meditating on the word of GOD and rejecting the ways of this world. We have been plucked from this world and the powers within in it by the grace of GOD so we can glorify Him.

Leaders change, opinions change, worldly laws and rules change. What a privilege it is to serve the One who will never change. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever,” Hebrews 13.8 ESV. Our eternal Leader will never change. Nor will He ever fail us or lead us astray. This, this is what brings us peace.

Romans 12.2

2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of GOD, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

[ WHAT ] is this passage saying and what is a key truth or thought that we learn?

+ What does Paul mean to not be conformed to this world?

+ How does one keep from becoming conformed?

+ How do we know GOD’s precious will?

[ HOW ] is the Lord calling me to action/obedience?

+ Is there sin to confess or a next step to take? How has it gone since last time?

+When is the last time you meditated on the word of GOD or had quality time with Him?

+ Is there any way your life is conformed to this world and in opposition to Christ? What may GOD be calling you to do about that?

[ WHO ] am I walking with and praying for to discover Jesus?

+ What is my next step?

+ Who am I praying for to know Christ?

+ How can I be salt and light in the world this week