We are a family that serves together; we encourage everyone to take part in some way (the amount is less important than the simple act) and to continually remember that the reason we serve is because we ourselves have been served in an ultimate way through the cross.

The reason we give is because God in Christ gave himself for us. The reason we love and take interest in the lives of our family, friends, co-workers and neighbors is because God took interest in our life, even when we were uninteresting. Below you will find the names and faces of some of the people who are coordinating efforts in our neighborhood church. There are many who are serving who are not listed - this list is so you can know who is doing what, and how to get connected with others.



Our main job is to serve among our church through helping people to grow as disciples who make disciples. We do this by leading groups and being available to the people of Downtown Hope in times of crisis. Our authority is found in our collective team, not any one individual. Our team is broken into sub-teams that care for the people of Downtown Hope through community groups. Our team has commissioned Joey Tomassoni as first among equals to bring vision to our church, and lead in the day-to-day implementation of that vision.

Joey Tomassoni //  Lead Pastor

Joey Tomassoni //
Lead Pastor

Luke Harbaugh

Luke Harbaugh

David Bempong // Executive Pastor

David Bempong // Executive Pastor

Charlie Fowler

Charlie Fowler

Chris Adomanis

Chris Adomanis // Finance Chair (with Steve Pimpo + Billy Hurley)

Craig Anonsen

Craig Anonsen

Todd Smith

Todd Smith



June Sim: Music Director

June Sim: Music Director

Josh Gomez: Media Tech Director

Jed Fowler: Worship Lead

Jed Fowler: Worship Lead

Amy French: Executive Developer

Emily Comeau: Administrative Assistant



Shannon Donahue: Children of Hope Coordinator

Shannon Donahue: Children of Hope Coordinator

Joey Tomassoni: Interim Student Director

Joey Tomassoni: Interim Student Director



Jacob Springer: Community Groups Coordinator

Jacob Springer: Community Groups Coordinator

Michelle Harbaugh: Community Events + Family Meals Coordinator

Michelle Harbaugh: Community Events + Family Meals Coordinator

Taylor + Adrienne Paul: Discipleship Band Equippers

Taylor + Adrienne Paul: Discipleship Band Equippers

Michelle Hammer: Counseling Coordinator

Michelle Hammer: Counseling Coordinator

Luke Harbaugh: Baptisms + Seminary Without Walls Coordinator

Luke Harbaugh: Baptisms + Seminary Without Walls Coordinator

Adam Itzel: Missions Coordinator

Adam Itzel: Missions Coordinator

Luke Wildermuth: The Daily Coordinator

Luke Wildermuth: The Daily Coordinator