…And as a result, in many ways the great commission has been diminished to “do life with people” and “be kind and loving to everyone”, but Matthew 28 gives us a different definition of what it means to be on a mission…
Jon Kalis
The Daily is Our Resource for Studying God’s Word
Following in the account of the end of Jesus’ time on earth, we jump back to the Gospel of Matthew where Jesus issues what is known as the ‘Great Commission.’ Jesus is ascending to heaven to return to the Father after the resurrection, but He makes it clear what His followers should be doing while waiting for His Second Coming.
Monica Godfrey
In today’s reading Jesus says two words that echo through time: Follow Me. Not when you are ready. Now. Go to the Greek on it, go to the Hebrew: “Leave the dead to bury the dead” to follow Him means this: leave the dead to bury the dead to follow Him. In saying this, Jesus is setting a baseline that nothing is as important as following Him.
Todd + Amy Smith