
Support One Another [Titus 3.12-15]

Support One Another [Titus 3.12-15]

Today's passage shows that, at the time of writing this letter, there were numerous moving parts and urgent needs throughout the Church. The Christian walk is not static, but dynamic. God always enables and empowers His body to do the work He has for us to do, but we need to be ready, willing, and active in obedience. While there is not the legalism of the Law, as Jesus ushered in grace that the Law could not provide, there are still numerous commands throughout the New Testament we must follow. This is how we show our love to God (John 14.15) and while those commands are not a burden (1 John 5.3), we may feel as though we are being poured out in service (Philippians 2.17, 2 Timothy 4.6). We are only pouring out what God has first put in us, so we are not relying on our own works, but on God's provision (Colossians 1.29, Philippians 2.13). As we see in this passage, much of the pouring out is to others in the Church. Remember, this act of emulating Christ Jesus and loving one another is the hallmark of Christianity (John 13.35, Colossians 3.12-17). May the word of God teach us how to care for one another, and how to pour out what God has blessed us with in service to others to His glory.

Luke Harbaugh

Be Ready [Titus 3.1-2]

Be Ready [Titus 3.1-2]

A reminder from Paul to the Cretan church: live as the person that God has already made you be. This list alone can seem like a series of boxes to check off to earn Paul’s favor, but as we will see in the remainder of Chapter 3 there is something much more magnificent going on in Paul’s reminder. Because of the Cretans’ newfound hope of eternal life, Paul instructs them to show it by devoting themselves to good works. These works lived out will consequently lead to the flourishing of all people - particularly the people on Crete. How might we heed the same call and live out our identity through good works?

Jacob and Hannah Evans