An Unexpected Resolution

They Worshipped [Matthew 28:16-17]

In this short passage, the disciples show incredible and realistic faith. They are obedient in going where the Lord told them to go, and that is a huge step in the right direction for men who fled not a month ago at the sign of struggle. Most of the disciples worshipped and fell at Jesus’ feet. This the kind of faith that though somewhat faltering with some, is what Jesus will use to change the world.

Hannah B.

Final Judgment [Matthew 25:31-46]

When you think about Jesus, what image pops into your mind? Is it the baby in the manager surrounded by barn animals, the great teacher sitting on a hill with thousands of people hanging on every word, the compassionate healer touching lepers and the disabled restoring them physically, emotionally and spiritually, or perhaps the Suffering Servant, beaten and bloodied and hanging from the cross at Calvary? One image or facet of Jesus I don’t think about often, nor do I believe is talked about enough in the Church is described in today’s text; the Glorious Coming King who will judge every person and assign them their eternal reward or punishment.

Chris Adomanis

The Parable of the Talents [Matthew 25:14-30]

It helps to understand today’s parable in sequence with the ones around it.

From Matthew 24:45 to 25:46, Jesus is telling a series of parables that relate to end times, and also to the qualities that we as His followers must have.

The first parable in this series was about “a faithful servant”, a small group of anointed ones who have a responsibility to teach God’s people. Be ready, be mindful who you hang out with and that you don’t take on attributes of the ungodly. From there the Word uses the parable that Michelle wrote about yesterday, the parable of the Ten Virgins. Again, be ready...keep the fuel of the Holy Spirit in your lamps and don’t let your light burn out. Todd preached last Sunday and mentioned 2 Peter 1 -- This chapter has a great word for those looking to keep God’s Holy Spirit front-and-center in their lives.

Today, we get a little more personal and a little more specific in the Parable of Talents. Once you have that fuel burning in your lamp, it should light the gifts and resources God has for you.

But you cannot unlock these gifts out of compulsion or guilt -- let’s discern today’s reading to find out the way.

Amy and Todd Smith

Be Prepared & Ready [Matthew 25:1-13]

As we recently read in Matthew 24:36, no one knows the day our hour when our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ will return. What we do know, as Christians, is he will return to judge the living and the dead (2 Timothy 4:10). In the following passages, we are encouraged by Jesus to be prepared for his second coming. This is good news for those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. We will enter into his kingdom and presence forever. It is convicting news; however, if we have not accepted Jesus as our Savior and Lord. My prayer is that none of us would perish. Let’s take a closer look.

Michelle Hammer
