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Thank the Lord [Psalm 105.1-5]

Thank the Lord [Psalm 105.1-5]

Today's passage continues the theme of contentment and worshiping God because of who God is. Understanding who God is motivates us to respond by praising Him and recounting His works to others. When our attention is on God and our hearts are set on giving Him glory, we will see our own lives in a different light. Like Paul said in his passage from earlier this week, our current situation, whatever it is, should not be the focus.

Luke Harbaugh

Giving and Receiving [Philippians 4.14-20]

Giving and Receiving [Philippians 4.14-20]

Do you find it easier to give or to receive? I tend to think it’s harder to receive; as Americans, we often place our value in being self-sufficient and independent. Why would I accept something as a gift when I am capable of getting it myself? On the flip side, it can often be difficult to give, or at least, give for the right reason.

Monica Godfrey

Contentment in the Lord [Philippians 4.10-13]

Contentment in the Lord [Philippians 4.10-13]

Our verse today has been plastered everywhere and been a “coffee cup” verse that people have used for ages. But if you look a little bit deeper, this verse has a richer context than what we usually give it credit for. Paul lists many situations which he has learned how to be content and even thankful ALL THROUGH HIM. That is the beauty of this verse. Our contentment is found through our Lord and the Good News he has brought.

Hannah Ball