
Forgiven Debts [Philemon 1.15-21]

Forgiven Debts [Philemon 1.15-21]

In today's passage, Paul is imploring Philemon to accept back Onesimus (who we heard about in Colossians) who was Philemon's bondservant (slave) and has run away. Back in Philemon's time and location that was something that incurred severe punishments. But Paul is asking Philemon to forgive Onesimus and to accept him back as a brother. Not only is he asking Philemon to accept him back as a brother, but Paul says he is willing to pay Onesimus's debts. This is something that strikes at the very heart of what it means to be a Christ-follower. We are forgiven because someone else was willing to pay our debt for us.

Zach Sarver

Standing in the Gap [Philemon 1.8-14]

Standing in the Gap [Philemon 1.8-14]

How often do we, like Paul, stand in the gap for others in the midst of their struggle? How often do wear bear others’ burdens and thus fulfill the law of Christ? How often do we like, Christ, lay ourselves down, our preferences down, and our will down for the will of the father and in turn, impact lives? Oh, how I wish it were so, and always being said, that we, like Paul, have died to self and live for Christ and his will alone. This side of glory we will struggle to do so until we see him face to face.

Michelle Hammer