Friends, as we approach Christmas, let us both rejoice in the freedom we have to fail because of the beautiful, constant, pursuit of our God, and strive to live a life of obedience to our Savior and Lord, the new-born King.
Jon Kalis
The Daily is Our Resource for Studying God’s Word
Faith is at the ABSOLUTE heart of the Christian experience. How would you define Biblical faith? In these verses from Hebrews 11, sometimes called the “Hall of Faith” chapter of the Bible, the writer mentions three men from early humanity who personified faith. Let’s see what we can learn from them.
Chris Adomanis
Today's passage closes out Hebrews and our Then God Sat Down series…Let the word of God continue to inspire you daily to continue to make progress in leading a life that is more honoring of God and beneficial for your brothers and sisters and the world that so desperately needs the love we have to share.
Chapter 13 concludes the letter. Verses 1—14 are about the changelessness of Christ, verses 15-19 are about God-pleasing sacrifices, and verses 20—25 include a benediction. In todays section (v7—14), the Hebrews are instructed to love their church leaders (v7)—in fact, they are encouraged to “remember them” (v7) and to “imitate their faith” (v7). And, they are instructed to love Christ (v8—14)…