
Just Faithfulness [Numbers 36:1-13]

Today's passage closes out Numbers. This has been quite the journey for the Isrealites--and us. God has shown His provision for the Isrealites time and again, in spite of their numerous foibles and failures. He has provided justice, structure, and direction; righted wrongs, and addressed all their concerns while giving us insight into His nature. Today is no different. God will again provide for a portion of the Israelites through justice and His law. May the word of God comfort you in the knowledge that He will continue to provide for you, even when the means are not always readily apparent.


In Need of Refuge [Numbers 35: 1-34]

There are so many people, including ourselves, that desire refuge in this life. Sometimes we seek refuge from outside threats, and sometimes we seek refuge from ourselves internally. In this passage, the Levites are used by God to establish places of refuge for Israel, but also for the wanderer and sojourner. These places of refuge are given for those who have taken someone's life, accidentally or purposefully, that they may find safety from their avenger, and may face a fair judgement.

Collin & Sarah Savidge

Census of a New Generation [Numbers 34]

In Numbers 33, God instructed Moses, that Israel was to “drive out” the inhabitants of the lands. They are to invade and conquer. And, if they let any of the inhabitants remain, they will “barbs in their eyes and thorns in their sides.” And, God will do to Israel as He ought to do the previous inhabitants if they don’t drive out everyone. Numbers 34 picks up here and God instructs Moses on the boundaries of the lands and the Tribal Chiefs that shall inherit the land. The details can take away from the big picture here—God is specifically defining a promise. It’s a promise He is making. It’s instructions on how to divide up the land before Israel has it. This is important in the grand narrative of the Pentateuch because GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISES. God is faithful.

Steve Kuzner

Remembering the Journey [Numbers 33]

As we approach the end of Numbers, the end of the wandering in the wilderness, Moses recounts their journey over the past 40 years, documenting from their exodus from Egypt each place the pillar of cloud and fire led them over that time. Have you stopped to look back over your life lately to see where the Lord has led you? Can you see what the Lord has been teaching you along the way?

Monica Godfrey