
Bricks of the Church [Colossians 4.7-15]

Bricks of the Church [Colossians 4.7-15]

Today’s passage is part of the closing remarks by Paul in his letter. In it, he names and says something about several people who are working with him. Tychicus, Onesimus (the same as you’ll see in Philemon) Aristarchus, Mark, Jesus (the one called Justus), Epaphras, Luke, and Demas. For us 2,000 years later these are just names we may breeze over, but for Paul and the Church of Colossae, they were real people with real stories. For instance, Onesimus is an enslaved man that we’ll see again in Philemon. These names are important not because they may have done something grand that everyone will remember, but because they are what makes up the body of Christ, the Church. In this, Paul takes care to not only mention them but to tell the Colossians about them. For me, this was a reminder that while we care for the collective body, for the letter to the Colossians was written to a collective body, it’s important not to forget and to care about the individuals who make up the body and their stories.

Zach Sarver

Our Words, Our Witness [Colossians 4.5-6]

Our Words, Our Witness [Colossians 4.5-6]

These verses convicted me. How do I speak to those who do not share my faith on the day you day? And how do you? Better yet, how do we both show grace and also plant seeds of faith? We so so by the power of the Holy Spirit at work within us helping us "make the most of every opportunity" we do so by being as "cunning as sergeants but as harmless as doves" as we are "in the world but not of the world" as heaven is our true home. By witnessing us both gentle and strong, loving and true, "outsiders' are drawn to the God we serve. I saw a quote that read, "Evangelize the world, if necessary, use words. May our witness and words be attractive to outsiders and God ve glorified in them.

Michelle Hammer

Rules for the Christians [Colossians 3.22-4.1]

Rules for the Christians [Colossians 3.22-4.1]

This passage gives us some really tangible action steps. Although they may sound easy upon initial reading; obey with a sincere heart, work heartily for the Lord, treat people fairly… We may think “Yeah I totally do those things every day” ... But do we? These things implemented into a daily rhythm are far from easy, in fact, they’re impossible to do without the help of the Lord. With our hearts transformed by God, we can do these things.

Patti Zoppi