Today’s passage encourages us to embrace our status as His children that we may be launched into our journey in becoming like Jesus. Let us all cry out, “Abba! Father!” and worship Him for His grace and mercy!
Andy + Becky Lomax
The Daily is Our Resource for Studying God’s Word
I remember learning this adage early in my Christian journey: The only way to truly comprehend the good news of salvation found in Jesus is to understand the bad news concerning our sinful condition before a Holy God. Our verse today shows two sides of one coin. If the “bad” side describes the universal problem of sin that affects ALL humankind (Psalm 14:1-4), the other side describes God’s remedy (Isaiah 53:4-6). This is one of several verses in Scripture that every follower of Jesus should memorize and be ready to recite to a world that needs to know of their true predicament.
Chris Adomanis