Discipleship at Downtown Hope
In a COVID and individualism impacted world, we believe the best way to keep our body connected is through elevating DH Communities where we live life together in Christ and on Mission as modeled in Acts 2 and 1 Corinthians 14.26. We are encouraging Discipleship Bands to form within our DH Communities where Gospel Transformation can happen at a heart level.
In this next season one of our goals is to foster a stronger culture of Gospel Transformation through discipleship — an area of development we have identified as a church.
We have developed the Discipleship Tree Card below to resource Discipleship Bands with a tool to use as they work out their faith and growth in Christ. Below is a series of videos that helps explain The Heart Behind Discipleship at DH and how to work through each section of the tree card.
+ What do we mean by discipleship?
In Genesis 1, God created us to live as flourishing human beings with Him, in His creation. In Genesis 3, sin enters through our rebellion, destroying our shalom (peace) with God, one another, and creation. Yet, God sought after us by sending His only Son (Jesus) to die in love, taking our sin, destroying death by being raised to new life, and restoring us as His new creation (2 Corinthians 5.17). One day, He will return again to make all things new.
Discipleship is the journey the Spirit of Jesus takes us on, as we walk with one another through life, being transformed, by His good-news (gospel) into who He created and redeemed us to be – to flourish in Him today and forever.
If you have questions, need support, or want to start a discipleship band with a few, contact Taylor + Adrienne Paul.
Introduction to Discipleship
In this video Joey Tomassoni, Lead Pastor of Downtown Hope, explains the purpose of discipleship using the picture of a flourishing tree near a stream from Psalm 1:3.
In this video, Jacob Springer, Community Coordinator at Downtown Hope, explains what happens inside of a discipleship band and how they are modeled biblically.
Discipleship Tree Card
The videos below explain this discipleship resource in depth and how it can be used for interpersonal gospel transformation.
Part 1:
Encouragement + Accountability
In this video, Collin Savidge, Downtown Hope's Student Director, explains how discipleship creates a space for personal accountability and gospel transformation.
Part 2:
Abide in Christ [Sunlight]
In this video, Jenna Springer, Director of Children's Ministry at Downtown Hope, explains how even seasoned followers of Jesus need to come to Him daily for “sunlight.”
Part 3 + 4:
Confess Sin [Unhealthy Fruit] + Turn from Sin [Unhealthy Roots]
In this video, Adrienne Paul explains how the Discipleship Tree Card helps you identify, confess, and turn from areas of sin in our lives by believing the truth of the gospel.
Part 5:
Believe the Gospel [Nurture Roots]
In this video, Collin Savidge, Downtown Hope's Student Director, talks about how we are all "unbelievers" as we struggle to believe the truth of God's Word.
Part 6:
Obey Jesus [Healthy Fruits]
In this video, the Springers talk about how to take practical steps by putting faith into action through spiritual practices.
Part 7:
Make Disciples [Reproduce Fruit]
In this video, Joey Tomassoni, Lead Pastor of Downtown Hope, explains the final step in the discipleship process, which is making disciples of all nations [Matt. 28:16-20].
How do I start a Discipleship Band at DH?
In this concluding video, Adrienne Paul explains how you can start a discipleship band of your own.