Press On

Dwell on the Good [John 17.17]

Dwell on the Good [John 17.17]

It’s interesting how the Lord works sometimes. “Truth” is the title of the daily devotional I am using for the month of November. On top of that, I just started reading a book Joan gave me entitled “Saving Truth: Finding Meaning & Clarity in a Post-Truth World.” And now, I have been given the task of writing my Daily on a quote from Jesus Himself in His high priestly prayer recorded in John 17 (see below) and tie it in with what we are learning from Philippians 4:8-9. You think maybe the Lord is trying to get my attention and wants me to learn something about truth??

Chris Adomanis

Keeping the Well Clean [Proverbs 4.23]

Keeping the Well Clean [Proverbs 4.23]

Our heart can only be treated by the grace of God through the blood of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. This heart-cleaning treatment is what we do through the Gospel Transformation process in our Community Groups. But rather than relying only on restorative actions, why not seek preventative actions? In today’s passage, Solomon is encouraging us to prevent the contaminants from ever entering our well water.

Andy + Becky Lomax

In the World, Not of the World [Romans 12.2]

In the World, Not of the World [Romans 12.2]

Leaders change, opinions change, worldly laws and rules change. What a privilege it is to serve the One who will never change. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever,” Hebrews 13.8 ESV. Our eternal Leader will never change. Nor will He ever fail us or lead us astray. This, this is what brings us peace.

Michelle Hammer

Accessing the Good [I Corinthians 2.16]

Accessing the Good [I Corinthians 2.16]

In chapter 2 of I Corinthians, Paul’s main topic is that real wisdom ultimately is from God. And so Paul is laying out to us that there is a very distinct difference between the wisdom of man, and the wisdom of God. God’s mind is something that we are intended to spend an eternity learning from...let that idea sit in your head for a few seconds. We serve the omniscient God--THE all-knowing God.

Luke Wildermuth