Into the Wild

Balaam’s First and Second Oracle [Numbers 23]

In today’s reading Israel has defeated two mighty nations and a fearful king rises up to have them cursed. Let’s enter the retelling of this important piece of history all while remembering God’s faithfulness.

The word “fidelity” came to mind for us as we studied. According to Merriam Webster, fidelity means allegiance, loyalty, implies “strict and continuing faithfulness to an obligation.” We all want those we love to be full of fidelity towards us. Our God is all these things, and He considers our eternal well-being an obligation. Praise Him and know that He operates in the heavens working on your behalf as He does in this reading.

Amy and Todd Smith

Balaam and Balak [Numbers 22]

In today’s reading Israel has defeated two mighty nations and a fearful king rises up to have them cursed. Let’s enter the retelling of this important piece of history all while remembering God’s faithfulness.

The word “fidelity” came to mind for us as we studied. According to Merriam Webster, fidelity means allegiance, loyalty, implies “strict and continuing faithfulness to an obligation.” We all want those we love to be full of fidelity towards us. Our God is all these things, and He considers our eternal well-being an obligation. Praise Him and know that He operates in the heavens working on your behalf as He does in this reading.

Amy and Todd Smith

Waters of Meribah [Numbers 20]

Today we read of the death of Miriam, Moses striking the rock and water providing for the Israelites. We read about Edom refusing passage, and the death of Aaron. As you walk through life, don’t become harsh and discontent as the Israelites. Every good thing is a gift from your Heavenly Father, and we must learn to trust him. He loves you more than you can ever imagine or comprehend - So hold the good things he places in your life with open hands. Walk intently and faithfully in the path that your heavenly father has placed you on; trusting that as he gives (and takes), you are being provided for and loved perfectly by Him. Praise King Jesus.
