As we kick off the Advent season, I’m sure our minds quickly jump to the little countdown calendars with chocolates in them; or maybe we get stressed out about all the gifts we need to buy, or dread feeling the need to put on a certain façade because of all the family and friends we need to host for all of the different festivities.
All fun and delightful events, once done and over with--but what shallow ways for a follower of Jesus to conform to culture’s view of a season that actually has an immense weight. Yes, a perfect distraction and distortion from the enemy.
When I talk about Advent with people, I try to encourage them to use this time to embrace the tension that it brings--this mysterious, but revealed dynamic where we look backwards in reflection of how He came, yet this need to remain looking forward in a yearning anticipation for how and when He will come again.
Friends, take this morning to just reflect on this single verse that will catalyze our study into our Advent series. This seemingly simple prophecy is one of many roots that our very Christian walk is kept alive by: the virgin birth of the Son, the Man who brought God to us and us back to God through a perfect, sinless life, in which He offered up as the Ultimate Sacrifice securing us back to the way things were intended to be. The God-Man we base our entire existence on is told through these 24 words.
As an individual and in your community, intentionally reflect on this weight as we walk these next few weeks leading up to Christ’s coming, hence the name of this series: Return to the Feast.
[Isaiah 7.14]
14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel.
[ WHAT ] is this passage saying and what is a key truth or thought that we learn?
+ When I think of Advent, what do I think of?
+ What ways does society distort Advent and Christmas season? Does this fuel a lukewarm faith?
+ What does the word ‘Behold’ mean or show?
+ What does ‘Immanuel’ mean?
+ Read Matthew 1.18-25.
+ Spend a little bit of time reflecting on the many years before this prophecy, and the many years following it.
+ How does this single verse make me think about the ~33 years that Jesus lived walking on the earth with the name Immanuel?
[ HOW ] is the Lord calling me to action/obedience?
+ Is there sin to confess or a next step to take? How has it gone since last time?
+ With Advent season quickly coming, let us prepare our hearts even now to intentionally reflect on, yearn for, and anticipate the coming of Christ. How can I begin doing this?
+ Am I living my life just like the Old Testament believers and eagerly hoping on the daily that He will come again?
+ In what ways can I be salt and light for the Gospel this Advent/Christmas season? Can I open my home up for a meal to unbelievers? What about giving out holiday treats at a public space? Start a toy drive for a family/community in need? The options are endless…
[ WHO ] am I walking with and praying for to discover Jesus?
+ What is my next step?
+ How can I be paving the way for the coming King?
+ Are there people in my life that I need to proclaim this Good News to? Or, to people who need to be reeled back in to this reminder that this season is not about the consumer mentality, which it has become?