Speak the Word Without Fear [Philippians 1.12-14]

In knowing the context of this letter and having read as much as we have so far, Philippians really shouldn’t make any sense to the common reader. Why would Paul be giving thanks + prayer for other people while in his own misery? Why would Paul, being so faithful in his work for God, receive such a terrible ‘reward’? Why would he continue to share the Gospel after being persecuted for that very action? What about this ‘Jesus guy’ did Paul hold so valuable that drives him to run towards this persecution? And how does something “advance” when one of the most influential leaders is constantly in prison? 

The answer is that Paul knew, trusted, and believed: 1) that Jesus walked the earth and is who He said He is, 2) that his sins were forgiven through Jesus’ completed work on the cross, 3) that God is sovereign over all things--including Paul, kings, guards, prisons, life, and death, and 4) that his coming glory with Jesus was a promise intended to be kept--the Groom is coming for His Bride. 

These are the beliefs that rushed through Paul’s heart, mind, soul, and strength; that stirred deep within his bones, and managed his every move. These are the beliefs that came alive to him through Christ’s loving words and works, conquering any sense of fear inside of him—as we know perfect love casts out fear. These are the beliefs that caused him to fearlessly proclaim the beautiful, precious name of Christ, no matter his circumstances. He lived this out for others to see, and is what advanced the Gospel--displaying that this ‘Christ’ was worth dying for.

And guess what! We have the same Spirit living inside of us! Who reminds us of these same truths, and brings us comfort, even in our darkest seasons. He will stoke a fire in us that produces the same boldness to go out and speak the Word without fear. What we know, we can trust; what we trust, we can believe; and when we believe, our actions will follow.

“It didn’t go well for me in Rome,” Paul says, “but the Gospel has advanced, so it is well with my soul.” 

Let us rest in Jesus enough to be at a place in life where we can say this, too.

Philippians 1.12-14

12 I want you to know, brothers, that what has happened to me has really served to advance the gospel, 13 so that it has become known throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest that my imprisonment is for Christ. 14 And most of the brothers, having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.

[ WHAT ] is this passage saying and what is a key truth or thought that we learn?

+ How often can we say “what has happened to me has really served to advance the Gospel,”? No matter what our circumstances are, I might add. 

+ Where are our chains found? Can we agree with Paul that our chains are in Christ? Or do we find ourselves time and time again enslaved to something else? (Be encouraged! Remember 2 Corinthians 3.17, there is Freedom in the Spirit of the Lord)

+ What does it mean to be “imprisoned” to Christ?

+ Do the places we spend most of our time know that we are “imprisoned to Christ?”

+ How many people do you think fall under “the whole imperial guard” and “all the rest”? 

+ How do you think Paul might have acted/displayed himself in the prison that made everyone know why he was there? 

+ Who do you think heard the Gospel because of Paul’s imprisonment that might otherwise have never heard the Good News of Christ? Think about the whole timeline of it--from his arrest, being put on trial, and then being put in prison...

[ HOW ] is the Lord calling me to action/obedience?

+ Is there sin to confess or a next step to take? How has it gone since last time?

+Have you become more confident in the Lord by Paul’s imprisonment(s)? What might this mean for you TODAY?

+ Are there any convictions you feel from this passage of Scripture? Can I be unveiled and share these convictions with my Discipleship Band? What concrete steps of obedience can follow?

[ WHO ] am I walking with and praying for to discover Jesus?

+ What is my next step?

+ While I don’t recommend being disorderly, how can our workplaces, homes, relationships, etc. see/know we are imprisoned to Christ and get to know the Gospel?