More Faith, Please! [Luke 17.5-6]

This short conversation between Jesus and his disciples, in typical Hebrew fashion, makes the reader take pause. At first reading, we say, with the disciples, increase our faith! Yet as you read this morning, put these verses back into the context of Luke 16 and the previous verses of 17. Read to the end of 17. Put yourself in the conversation. Who else is listening? What else has been said, by whom, recently? Why are these things important? What behaviors are being contrasted? What themes stand out? Parables abound that color the words that surround them. Look again. 

Why a dishonest manager? The fulfillment of the law is mentioned. Why? Why does Jesus tell about “rich” Lazarus? How do the temptors  and millstones fit in the conversation? How about the unworthy servants and one’s own expectations? What about the unexpected thanklessness of 9 hearts?

Amidst these stories, the disciples ask Jesus to increase their faith.  Hmmm.

How does this faith fit with the Kingdom of God that is asked about at the end of Luke 17?

We, with the original listeners, are also asked this question and met with the RADICAL idea that the Kingdom of God is actually IN THEIR (and OUR) MIDST. We, like those in the audience, need to ask ourselves what we believe to be true about Jesus. Do we actually have ANY faith?

Of course, what we believe affects our loves and our actions. Jesus says in Luke 17:33, “ Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will keep it.”

To whom or to what will you give your fleeting days? Are you hanging on desperately to your own life/control or, in faith, choosing to give your life to Jesus and His ways? 

Kim Williams

[Luke 17:5-6]

5 The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” 6 And the Lord said, “If you had faith like a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you.

[ WHAT ] is this passage saying and what is a key truth or thought that we learn?

+ What are the disciples asking for? 

+ Where has this request been spoken about recently in Luke? 

+ Why does this matter?

+ How do the apostle’s address their leader?

+ What does that title infer?

+ The if-then construction is used often in Scripture. How is it used here?

+ Jesus says “IF you had faith…” What does this infer?

+ Does it make you think the apostle’s asked for the wrong thing?

+ What do you know about mustard seeds? Where else in Scripture do you read about them? Why is this information and context important to understanding Jesus’s words?

+ Describe in your own words the power required to uproot and plant a mulberry/sycamore tree in the sea. What is unusual about this illustration? Where else do we hear about sycamore trees from Jesus? What is he doing as he encounters one? 

+ What might the Mulberry tree do with your words if you approach it (or the people it may represent)in faith?

+ Who are we to obey in faith? 

+ What is Jesus calling zHis apostles to? How about you and I?

[ HOW ] is the Lord calling me to action/obedience?

+ Is there sin to confess or a next step to take? How has it gone since last time?

+ Do I hear God’s words to me in context? Do I listen intently and ask questions and seek understanding? 

+ What do I do when I receive it? 

+ Do I use it for my own advantage?

+ Do I use it for the kingdom?

+ Do I thank the Lord as He heals and reveals?

+ Do I expect I already know and understand all that God has for me?

+ Do I want more, when I don’t have the basics? 

+ Was I just given the basics …again…and didn’t pay attention?

+ What simple lessons am I missing as I am to come to Jesus as a child?

+ What milk am I drinking again when I am supposed to have the maturity for real food?

[ WHO ] am I walking with and praying for to discover Jesus?

+ What is my next step?

+ Who can I invite to search in the Scriptures to know God more?

+ How can I walk with them as God’s Truth shapes their path?

+ Who can I rejoice with that God is in our midst?

Who can I encourage towards peace, strength, and courage, as they release control to an all powerful, sovereign God?

+  Who can I encourage in choosing a life of faith?