This son has his sights set on faraway lands, experiences, and adventures. And his wise father realizes he needs to learn the hard way how he already has what is most important.
Just like us and GOD. He gives us free will. While He wants us to love and put Him first, He doesn’t force us to. He allows us to use our blessings as we choose. And we often choose to chase after our own version of fools’ gold. We often go our own way. So, chase we do.
And in those moments of chasing whatever seems more important at the time (our fools’ gold), we end up caught up in our own will, just like the son in this story. Far from home, out of fellowship with the Father, losing our way. That is until we come to our senses and return to Him.
Because, until we chase Him, His glory, and His will for our lives, we end up empty handed. My prayer for us today is we forego the “Fools Gold” of this world for the incomparable and imperishable riches of knowing Him.
[Luke 15.11-13]
11 And he said, “There was a man who had two sons. 12 And the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the share of property that is coming to me.’ And he divided his property between them. 13 Not many days later, the younger son gathered all he had and took a journey into a far country, and there he squandered his property in reckless living.
[ WHAT ] is this passage saying and what is a key truth or thought that we learn?
+ What does this parable show us about ourselves through the actions of the younger son?
+ What does this parable show us about our Father GOD through the actions of the father?
+ How is the love of GOD demonstrated by Jesus in this parable?
[ HOW ] is the Lord calling me to action/obedience?
+ Is there sin to confess or a next step to take? How has it gone since last time?
+ Is there any fools’ gold I have been chasing?
+ How may the Lord be calling me back into fellowship with him?
+ Who is the Lord calling be to stand in the gap for through prayer today?
[ WHO ] am I walking with and praying for to discover Jesus?
+ What is my next step?
+ What sins may I need to confess after reading today’s scriptures?
+ Who can I love like Jesus loved today?