Unveiled Faces

Purposeful Fire [2 Chronicles 7.1-3]

Today's passage is part of 2 Chronicles' story of Solomon. Solomon had built the temple, furnished it, brought in the Ark of the Covenant, blessed the people, and prayed a prayer to dedicate the temple. At the close of that prayer, Solomon invited God to His resting place. This passage picks up here, as God's glory as fire fills the temple and consumes the offerings.

Luke Harbaugh

Without Excuse [Psalm 19.1]

As we heard the first message on 2 Corinthians 3.18, Joey encouraged us to remove the veil. To summarize his message, the first step to experiencing gospel transformation is to be honest, bring our sin into the light, and remove the veils we hide behind. The passage this morning from Psalm 19 brings about a great truth of how God graciously reveals himself in creation.

Collin & Sarah Savidge

Beholding Glory [Isaiah 6:1-6]

In this next week, I invite you to dwell on who God is and specifically today, God’s holiness. In this passage, Isaiah is caught up into heaven where he sees what a human can understand of the majesty, beauty, and utmost holiness of God. And his reaction is the only one that a human could possibly have; one of falling on one’s face in worship but also terrifying awe at this immensely holy being. Please reflect on what it means to see God as he truly is, a holy, generous, loving, terrifying God.

Hannah B.