Leaping the Stall

Loving Refinement [Revelation 21:4]

Today's passage is a glimpse into part of what was revealed to John of the age to come in heaven. This passage shows how God as the Bridegroom welcomes in His bride--the new Jerusalem, the Church. This prophesy echos what Isaiah foretold centuries earlier, in Isaiah 25:6-9. God will complete His restorative work, completely removing that which is fallen and making new all that which He originally called good, that there will be only goodness again. This tender, intimate healing process is one we see glimpses of even now. What a beautiful picture of our loving God. May the word of God comfort and encourage you with "strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow" (Chisholm).


Cry To The Lord [Isaiah 38:16-17]

There are seasons in our life where we will be hurt and experience bitterness. It cannot be helped. We are being tested by the world. It is heartbreaking at times and we will feel beat down and discouraged, but what sets us apart from the rest of the world is a promise of hope and joy that the trials of this world are temporary. The Bible tells us “count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” Joy does not mean we will not experience the pain of loss, the melancholy of loneliness or the misery of death. Joy is not dependent on our emotions. Joy is knowing that there is something greater than the pain of this world. God has equipped us with truth to counter this world with love. May His light shine through us in this dark world.

Joshua Vasquez

It all Starts with Jesus [Isaiah 53:4-6]

Today’s passage, is from Isaiah’s encourage to the exiles in Babylon after Jerusalem fell in 586 B.C. He assures the exiles of God’s care for them. This section is Isaiah chapters 44—55. These chapters also give long-term hope of the coming Messiah. Specifically, today’s section is from the fourth and final Servant Song, Isaiah 52:13—53:12. It’s quoted frequently in the new testament. This Servant Song is very prophetic about Jesus. Here we learn that He suffered on our behalf, this suffering was caused by humankind, He acted as the substitute for our sins, He was severely punished on our behalf, and that all of us contributed to this suffering.

Steve Kuzner