Into the Wild

Will the Vows Stand? [Numbers 30:10-16]

Today, in Numbers we read about GOD’s directions to Israelite couples regarding a wife’s vows. We further learn in the New Testament how GOD has designed marriage in such a way as to promote peace. The husband is charged with the leadership of the wife and the wife is charged with submission. Both roles are equally important, powerful and beautiful. These verses in Numbers are one example of these roles in action regarding vows.

Michelle Hammer

Vows [Numbers 30:1-9]

Today we begin numbers chapter 30, and we read about vows. “If God does ____, then I will promise to do ____.” Or, “If ______ happens, then I promise to do ____.” Vows are not to be taken lightly, and we should be careful with what we promise to do. Our words are binding. I pray that we would be wise and loving with what we say, and be very intentional with our promises. Praise King Jesus.

Evan McGee

Annual Offerings - God’s Way - Take 2 [Numbers 29]

God graciously reminds the younger generation that the ordinances given to the previous generations still applied to them as they entered the promised land in Numbers. In Leviticus 23:14, 21, 31, and 41 God said, “This (the annual feast/offering) is to be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come, wherever you live.” In Numbers, the people are reminded on the eve of the conquest of Canaan, how they should live as a “settled” people.

Kim Williams