Into the Wild

Pass the Baton [Numbers 27:1-23]

As you work through the scripture, take some time and admire how Moses continues to shepherd his people and prepare them for the blessing of the promised land, the blessing that he won't even get to experience. His prayer that the Israelites won't be "sheep without a shepherd" gives us great insight into his heart, and God's heart. And this prayer is ultimately fulfilled through Jesus, The Good Shepherd.

Collin + Sarah Savidge

Phinehas & the Plague [Numbers 25]

We have seen already in Numbers that God desires the whole-hearted trust, obedience, worship, and love from His people, Israel. He will not share His glory with another. Remember in the 10 Commandments in Exodus, “You shall have no other gods before me.” When Israel is swayed by the neighboring Moabites into turning away from God and His law by adopting their lifestyles and worshipping their false gods (idols), God acts in justice to bring His people back to Himself.

Monica Godfrey