An Unexpected Resolution

What’s Next? [Matthew 24:1-28]

Jesus is WITH His disciples as we enter this passage. As He is “with,” he is constantly teaching, guiding, and preparing them for His physical departure. In this Scripture, He prepares the disciples (and us) for two disparate but significantly linked events, the destruction of the temple and His Second Coming.

This preparation was accomplished in conversation, in relationship. Jesus speaks. The disciples listen and ask questions in response. New truths are given. Let us encourage one another to be WITH Jesus today. Let us remind each other to bring our own uncertainties to the one who can answer and bring light and wisdom into the darkness.

Kim Williams

Look Deeper [Matthew 23:1-37]

Today's passage includes Jesus giving some very strong words to some of the Jewish religious leaders of that day. While He noted their teaching can still be worthy of following, He made it clear their actions should not be followed, as they did not lead by example. While they wanted to be seen as good and honorable, they did not actually want to follow through and do the work. They missed a key teaching from 1 Samuel 16:7, that "the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." May the word of God challenge us to take an honest account of our inward appearance, as well as to follow the true teachings in God's word in spite of the failures of religious leaders.


Love Your Neighbor [Matthew 22:23-46]

Here we read about the great commandments, given to us by Jesus Christ himself. Of the many commandments that the Pharisees had learned, Jesus was able to sum them up. “love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” and also, “love your neighbor as yourself”. If we do not do these two things, how can we follow God? It may be daunting, because as broken and imperfect people, we are incapable of loving perfectly. At times, we may not even love ourselves. But that is the beauty of it. In our brokenness we learn to forgive ourselves and allow ourselves the grace that has been given to us. In turn, we can forgive one another and allow each other grace. Through this action and a complete surrender of heart, soul and mind to God, we can serve Him and follow his commandments.

Joshua Vasquez

Cornerstone [Matthew 21:28-46]

There are two big things going on in our reading today: 1) Jesus calls out the Jewish religious leaders at the outset of two parables about sons and servants. He emphasizes that obedience to the will of God is what God desires in His kingdom people. 2) He also compares himself with a cornerstone, emphasizing that He is the foundation of the kingdom. You allow yourself to be built upon His foundational salvific work or you stumble over him and break yourself apart.
