An Unexpected Resolution

Authority Challenged [Matthew 21.23-27]

Jesus in this passage is being challenged because He has preached things that the Pharisees could not even dream of. Normally, Pharisees would cite multiple sources like a student would in an academic paper, and there were accepted lines of teaching. But Jesus, in His wisdom, was able to preach through the Scriptures to show that the Kingdom of God was at hand and show that all things are under His rule and authority. Let us listen in to this conversation and ask ourselves where we too are questioning Jesus’ authority in our lives.

Hannah B.

The Vineyard and The Coming Crucifixion [Matthew 20:1-19]

At times, in the Bible it appears that one parable does not link to another. Then there are times when one passage flows into another like water. Today is one of those days. Yesterday, Michelle wrote about Peter’s line of questioning at the end of Matthew chapter 19. He asked Jesus a very human question about what the disciples would get in return for serving Him.

You’ll remember from yesterday’s passage that Jesus’ reply was , one of abundance...those who leave things behind to serve Him will receive thrones, and a hundredfold return, and will inherit eternal life.

Imagine hearing that message and then listening to Jesus say something seemingly contradictory.

As we know, never did a contradiction emanate from our Savior’s mouth.

So what’s going on in today’s passage where He seems to reset the compensation and reward equation? Let’s rightly divide the Word of Truth.

Amy and Todd Smith

Lay It All Down [Matthew 19:13-30]

Wow! There’s a lot to unpack in today’s verses. In a few, short paragraphs, Jesus welcomes the little children, encourages a rich man to follow him, promises a hundredfold reward in heaven for everything left for his sake, and reminds the disciples all things are possible with GOD. Seems to me, these various stories are all related. After all, we need to have saving faith (believe like a child) to follow Jesus, put him first, and go wherever he calls. Most importantly, we need GOD for any of it to happen. It is GOD who saves and gives us the ability to do as he wills. He is the giver of every good gift including the ability to lay it all down for the Lord. Let’s lay it all down at his feet today and ask him what he wills us to do!

Michelle Hammer

Marriage [Matthew 19:1-12]

Greetings, kindred. Before we get into the passage this morning, would you join me wherever you are (if you can) and just pause? Plant your feet to the ground, feel your body connect to the earth below you that God created. Just take a few deep breaths and listen in the silence. God is present with you, be still and know. Today’s passage is on marriage. Praise King Jesus.
