An Unexpected Resolution

God's Perspective [Matthew 18:1-14]

Today's passage redefines greatness, challenges our ability to put away our sinful selves, exhorts us to care for children and all who are called to be child-like, and encourages us to seek out those who are lost. Jesus gives us insight into God's infallible perspective on all these things. To even begin to undertake this, we need the restorative work of the Holy Spirit in our lives--none of this aligns with basic human reasoning. May the word of God convict you, and build you up.


Faith Like A Mustard Seed [Matthew 17:14-37]

In this passage, we see Jesus cast out a demon. The same demon that His disciples failed to expel from the body of a young boy. Then when questioned, He explained to his disciples that it was due to a lack of faith. He goes on to tell them of the great power they would possess if they just had faith the size of a mustard seed. What is great here is that we see the disciples reliance upon Jesus’s ability. They recognized that their authority came from God alone. Rather than having faith in our own abilities or the abilities of those around us, we should recognize that all authority and power comes from God. When we rely on Him, even with faith the size of a mustard seed, we can accomplish great things in the name of Jesus.

Joshua Vasquez

The Transfiguration [Matthew 17:1—13]

Want an image to mediate upon?

Here we see Jesus’s inner circle—Peter, James, and John—witnessing a transfiguration of Jesus. This appearance would support their faith when they would witness the crucifixion. Jesus’ physical transformation gives us a glimpse of the glory he had before He became man and also previews his future glory. It gives us an idea of what our resurrected bodies may become like as we are conformed to His image.

Steve Kuzner

Who do you say that I am? [Matthew 16:13-28]

It might be easy to criticize the disciples, but in today’s passage I find comfort in how much they are like us sometimes. Peter, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit recognizes and affirms that Jesus is the Christ, or the Messiah, and Jesus praises him for that. Just a little bit later, Jesus tells them that He will suffer and die, and Peter rebukes Jesus to which Jesus calls him out for not setting his mind on the things of God. How quickly he went from understanding and accepting the kingdom to opposing it!
