An Unexpected Resolution

Feeding of the Four Thousand [Matthew 15:32-39]

John 21:25 states “Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written”. If this is true, then why would Matthew retell almost the exact same story within two chapters? There must be something to glean from the story of Jesus feeding the four thousand that is distinct from His feeding of the five thousand in Chapter 14. Let’s go searching…

Chris Adomanis

Build Your House [Matthew 15:1-9]

In today’s passage, the Pharisees ask Jesus why his disciples break the traditions of the elders. Jesus doesn’t immediately answer this question, though he does in tomorrow’s passage, instead, he asks why these traditions are given so much authority. The Pharisees had begun to replace God’s law with these traditions. Jesus isn’t arguing against tradition. God’s law was meant to be a tradition to the people. But the Pharisees had replaced the old tradition with a new one. Before Jesus gives any explanation as to why his disciples are eating with unwashed hands, he makes it clear that these laws are not God’s but man’s, and that to elevate them to the status of God’s laws is a fatal mistake.

Michael Riggins

King Jesus [Matthew 14:22-36]

Hello, friends. What a gift and joy it is to be alive today. Today’s passage can be so pertinent to our shared experience with this time of physical separation. It shows us of how Jesus has great intentionality placed on time alone with the Spirit. We see that Jesus meets us in our literal storms and that we are not alone. He brings peace and stillness in the heaviest of times, and he lifts us out of the water when we begin to sink. We also see Jesus is our literal healer. I hope you are met with stillness, peace, and rest as you spend some time in the Word today, and that the Holy Spirit overfills your soul. Praise King Jesus.
