An Unexpected Resolution

Misunderstanding Jesus [Matthew 13:53-14:12]

Today's passage points to the response of some to the gospel message. Even when people recognize Jesus' wisdom and miracles, they can still fail to grasp the underlying truth. They view Jesus as just a man, or perhaps a prophet, but not the Christ, the Son of the Living God. As amazingly dim-witted as this may seem to those who believe, there are still times when our own belief can be shaken, and we can fail to discern the deeper truth of God's work in our own time. Let the word of God prod you to evaluate how you view the gospel message even now, through current events you live through, and enable you to discern more clearly what God is doing and what actions you should take in response.


Hidden Treasures [Matthew 13:34-52]

In today’s passage, we will read about four parables about the weeds, hidden treasures and judgement at the end of the age. Here, we see how Jesus describes how He values the souls of this world, the kingdom, and how much He was willing to pay for our salvation. He loved us so much that He sacrificed all that He had for us. He left His place in heaven, gave up His comfort and His life for us, so that we could be with Him forever. In the Parable of the Weeds, we see how God is the ultimate judge and will separate the true believers from the sons of the evil one. Let us dive into this passage together, find the worth in ourselves that Jesus sees in us and live lives that glorify Him.

Joshua Vasquez

The Mustard Seed [Matthew 13:31-33]

Jesus speaks two parables in today’s passage—The Mustard Seed and The Leaven. The passage is a section about The Messianic Kingdom Revealed in Parables (Matt. 13:1–53). It’s the 3rd of Jesus’s 5 major teachings in Matthew. This passage is not about having faith the size of mustard seed. Instead, Jesus is describing his Messianic Kingdom.

Steve Kuzner