An Unexpected Resolution

Parable of the Sower + Purpose of Parables [Matthew 13.1-23]

The parable of the sower is one of Jesus’ famous parables, and often it can fall on deaf ears because we have heard it so many times. However, let us look again at Jesus’ words, and marvel at his skill in speaking, the mystery of the gospel, and Christ’s work in our lives as we hear the gospel once again in this passage.

Hannah B.

Jesus Defines New Family in the Kingdom [Matthew 12:46-50]

There are several quotes from Jesus in Scripture that come across as being harsh and this is one of them. What is Jesus saying here? Is He declaring that blood family has no importance in life? Based on everything we read in Scripture, we know this is not the case as Jesus followed the Law perfectly, which would include honoring your mother and father (re-read John 19:26-27). No, He is not denigrating earthly family, but exalting spiritual family!!!

Chris Adomanis

Unclean Spirits [Matthew 12:43-45]

Today, we find out why Jesus will not further miracles. It has nothing to do with his lack of love for them, but His knowledge of the condition of their heart and of the collective heart of the Jewish nation. In 2 Corinthians 3:15-16 it says: 15 But to this day whenever Moses is read, a veil lies over their heart; 16 but whenever a person turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away.”

Todd + Amy Smith

A Sign is Demanded [Matthew 12: 38-42]

In today’s passage, Jesus has just finished teaching when the Pharisees approach him and ask for a sign. This is just another way of asking their favorite question: “What gives you the authority to teach these things?” They are asking Jesus to prove that God is really with him. Jesus answers that his resurrection shall be a sign, just like Jonah emerging from the whale after three days. The Resurrection of Jesus is a sign to the Pharisees, but it is also a sign to us. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 15:14 that if Christ is not raised then our faith is in vain. The Resurrection is a sign to us that we can trust in Jesus Christ as the Messiah, and do not need to continually look for signs from God to see whether or not he is angry with us.

Michael Riggins

Fruits [Matthew 12:33-37]

Today, we read a stern rebuke to those who speak good words, but do not practice them. Jesus refers to them as a “brood of vipers”, which is traced back to psalm 140:3. This reference would be piercing and painful to hear - however if we’re all honest, we have probably fit the role for this rebuke at some time in our lives. I pray that we would be convicted by this word, and comforted in His grace as learning apprentices of Jesus. May Christ fill you in it’s joy and peace. Praise King Jesus
