Today, David Bempong is starting our series through the book of Luke titled Fulfilled as we look at Luke 1:1-24.
Press On | The Real Contentment [Philippians 4:10-23]
Press On | Building a Wall of Peace [Philippians 4:8-9]
Press On | Robbing the Joy Thief [Philippians 4:1-7]
Press On | True Citizenship [Philippians 3:17-4:1]
Press On | True Obedience [Philippians 3:12-16]
This weekend, Collin will be continuing our fall series through the book of Philippians titled “Press on” as we look at Philippians 3:12-16.
Press On | Merit [Philippians 3:1-11]
Press On | Obedience [Philippians 2:12-30]
Press On | The Joy of Humility [Philippians 2:1-11]
Press On | In Tune: How to Joyfully Press On [Philippians 1:18a-30]
Press On | Fetch The Bolt Cutters [Philippians 1:12-18a]
Press On | Encouragement [Philippians 1:1-11]
Unveiled Faces: One Degree To Another [Pt. 3]
Unveiled Faces: God's Glory [Pt. 2]
Unveiled Faces: Naked [Pt. 1]
Into the Wild | Remembering the Journey [Numbers 33]
Into the Wild | From the Hills to the Valley [Numbers 22-24]
In Numbers 22-24, Joey teaches us how the nation of Israel finds herself in the valley, deserving the consequences for her rebellion. Unbeknownst to her, something extraordinary is unfolding in the hills above. Even as we rebel and run from God, He is doing things we can’t see and using people we would never expect to accomplish his promise of blessing for our lives.