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[ Receiving Healing + finding Joy in the Aftermath of COVID-19 ]

Series Dates: 06/07/20 - 06/14/20


2 But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall.

[Malachi 4.2]

As the world slowly opens up after a season of trauma where our lives have been impacted by the death of loved ones, job loss or the emotional toll of experiencing physical distancing, all due to the COVID-19 crisis, we are all asking one general question:

What do we do from here?  

Will the virus flare up again? Will we have to shelter in place again? What will our friendships, families, vocations, and church look like?  In this #realtalk message we are going to look at one verse (Malachi 4.2)  that asks a better question:  

Who will be with us from here? 

Malachi is written after Israel has returned from exile and wondering why they are still marginalized and suffering in the midst of stronger nations. They had come through a season of trauma and expected everything to be returned to normal but it had not.  In chapter 4, in the midst of their discouragement the nation is called to lift their eyes off of their circumstances to a future day where the “Sun of Righteousness” will rise with healing and a joyous future.

Malachi 4.2 teaches us that no matter what may befall us there is one who has risen above our deepest fears, who is faithful to be with us. As we place ourselves under the Sun of Righteousness’ the result is an astonishing picture of who Jesus is calling us to be - a people of healing and joy. These two Sundays we will also be sharing the practical ways our church will be moving forward in this new season!

During the next two weeks of this #Realtalk series, we will be studying complementary verses related to hope and healing through The Daily and discussing one of these passages in our Community Groups.  

Our hope and prayer is that we would be drawn deeper into a relationship with our King knowing that He has promised us eternal life in him and despite our grumbling and rebellion against Him, He is faithful to keep His promise and love us unconditionally to the end.  

grace + peace,

The Downtown Hope Theology Team