
Into The Wild

[ Grace in our Rebellion: Numbers ]

Series Dates: 06/21/20- 08/16/20

The Book of Numbers picks up at the base of Mt. Sinai where the Nation of Israel has come out of slavery in Egypt (Exodus), God has made covenant, been given The Law, and instructions on how to construct the Tabernacle (Leviticus).  It has been about one year and they are about to leave Sinai to be taken on a journey of preparation to enter a land of promise. 

While the book of Numbers certainly includes many lists and numerics regarding the tribes of Israel, it’s title in Hebrew translates to “In the Wilderness”.  The events in Numbers are some of the most recounted through the Old and New Testaments. 


Because Numbers tells the story of God’s faithfulness to his people while they were in the wilderness.  The journey in the wilderness stood as the time Israel journeyed after redemption, but before consummation.  Israel was saved in the Exodus, but had not yet experienced the fullness of their salvation because they had not entered the Promised Land (Book of Joshua). In other words, Israel had been secured for their journey but had not arrived at their destination.  Similar to us, we live between two realities: we have been redeemed, but we await ultimate restoration.  As such, we too are experiencing life in the wilderness.  Much like Israel in the wilderness, we too experience disease, sin, marred relationships, and pain.  However, through it all God remains faithful.  In spite of their sin, rebellion, and complaining God remained faithful to his promise.  Even though our lives may seem as though we are also in the wilderness, we can trust in the faithfulness of God in the wilderness. 

The book of Numbers follows this journey that includes three locations (Sinai, Paran and Moab) and the journey between each.  The book is filled with accounts of the nation rebelling against God, consequential justice for their rebellion and God’s faithfulness to keep His promise despite their sin.  Throughout the book we find some of the most breathtaking images that future authors, inspired by the Holy Spirit will pick up and ultimately a vision of God being faithful to bring a people into a promised land despite their rebellion. Numbers is a macro picture of God’s grace, patience and ultimately what has been done for us in Christ.  

Every violation or wrong demands to be made right, every sin requires payment.  Numbers is a foreshadowing of how God makes all things right through His perfect payment on the cross.  We see echoes of God’s grace pointing to Jesus throughout the book.  The book climaxes through chapters 22-24 in the most unexpected way as a pagan king appoints a sorcerer to pronounce curses on Israel.  But the sorcerer can only pronounce blessing as he sees a vision of a future king who will rule the nations.   

Each Sunday at our Gatherings we will be taught through one of the nine major sections and narratives of Numbers, each week, in our personal time of solitude with the Lord we will be studying each verse of that section using The Daily. In our Communities we will be discussing one set of verses that were taught on Sunday.  Our Community leaders are equipped with some simple resources to help us make sense of this complex book.  

Our hope and prayer is that we would be drawn deeper into a relationship with our King knowing that He has promised us eternal life in him and despite our grumbling and rebellion against Him, He is faithful to keep His promise and love us unconditionally to the end.  

grace + peace,

The Downtown Hope Theology Team