

Series Dates: 01/03/21- 01/10/21


17 Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come..

[2 Corinthians 5.17]

Our vision as a church is gospel transformation.  This is the kind of substantial change that God does, in us, for the sake of the world.  The ordering of this is critical as our vision doesn’t begin with the world or us but begins with God doing something in us.  Join us for these two weeks as Joey and David look at 2nd Corinthians 5.17 to remind us of our vision as a church at the beginning of 2021. 

During the next two weeks of this #Realtalk series, we will be studying complementary verses related to hope and healing through The Daily and discussing one of these passages in our Community Groups.   

grace + peace,

The Downtown Hope Theology Team